I am so angry!!My husband bought a original Fendi bag to me yesterday,but I found that the quality is so bad,it has some defect.I found that my friend's Fendi replica handbags is cheaper than mine while the quality is so good...What's going on?!|||have your husband return the bag to Fendi's for a refund or new bag.
if he didn't buy it at Fendi's then it is a knockoff - and buyer beware.|||Go to http://www.ReplicaTycoon.com You can buy replicas of the best quality at the lowest price in the world. Meanwhile you will enjoy the shopping convenience and the service of the superior quality and experience the cheap products of lv, TIFFANY, UGG GUCCI etc.
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Please transfer your satisfaction to 10 friends around you if you are satisfied with our products, and transfer your dissatisfaction to 100 people if you are dissatisfied with our website. We believe that time can prove everything.
Email:soldzerwh@gmail.com|||Delicately find out where your husband got the bag. If its a legit shop take it back Fendi will take care of the repair. My cousin got a real one at Neiman, paid $2,000 + and the handle unraveled. She did take it back and it took them 3 months to repair it and send it back!!!!!
After hearing that I decided no bag is worth that much so I got a designer inspired "spy bag" at my favorite online shop Kiikas.com|||If its an original bag you should be able to get a new one because the quality is as bad as you say.
Otherwise, its possible your husband got hosed into buying a fake that was marketed as a real one.|||. You probably got a knock-off, a poor cheap replica from China. If hubby got this off a street vendor, he'll Never admit it.
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