One way to verify the authenticity of a bag is to find a picture of it online and compare it to the one you have. Keep an eye out for slight variations, as these could indicate a fake. Also, check the bag's quality. Feel the materials- do they feel realistic and high-quality? Are the seams all perfectly straight and neat? Does the print line up neatly (if applicable)? Are their any flaws? These are all signs of a fake, because high-end handbag designers charge a LOT of money for their name and their quality, and a bag thats defective would make them look bad, so it would never be sold. You could also use your knowledge of the person who gave it to you. Could he realistically afford to get you an expensive handbag as a gift? (You could find the price online if you aren't sure.) Lastly, if you can't determine it, you could try taking it to your nearest Fendi store. Most often, the people in the store would be glad to help you out. If the information here isn't enough, you can find many guides to authenticating handbags on eBay. Good luck!|||You bought it in a Fendi store and not on Ebay or from some Arab dude at the flea market.|||Burn it in an oxygen rich atmosphere. If it burned with a bright lilac flame, then it was real :-)|||well is it or is it not authentic?
if it is believe me:it shows!
and if it is and you know it that should be enough,that happens with my lous vouitton ones! there are so many copies and then very good copies! but i knnow i bought mine at the LV store and that is enough.besides people who know me know i would never wear a copy! i might be a show off but that is how it is!
and if it is a good copy then be happy u did not pay full price and you have something very decent!|||you can take it to a fendi store and explain how you received the bag (but don't mention you want to re-sell it) and they will be able to tell you. or you can look on the fendi website and they should be able to spot an imitation bag. GOOD LUCK!!|||The authentification card should be enough - take it into a store that sells Fendi if you're still not sure and they should be able to verify it for you|||These sites should help you:
The Fashion Spot - Handbags - Is this bag Fake/Authentic?
Need help authenticating a handbag? Just post a pic and/or auction number (no ebay links please!) to this forum thread and get expert opinions.
Handbag Authentication Resources
This ebay site has links to authentication pictorial guides written for many different designer brands: Chanel, Gucci, Hermes, Marc Jacobs, to name a few.
Summary of Authentic Handbag Characteristics
This blog page quickly summarizes the some characteristics of authentic bags for various designers.|||The only way to be sure is to take it to the Fendi store and check with them. That said, if you're selling it the certificate of authenticity and the hologram should be enough for most people|||saks fifth avenue|||It sounds like, it's authentic .|||If you take it to an authorised Fendi dealer, ie, a fendi store or selfridges,etc, they should be able to confirm its authenticity|||You can get your very own designer bag from . Gucci, Ferragamo, Prada, Or Dolce %26amp; Gabbana , choose any one of those and you will recieve them for free. All you have to do is fill out the survey. My girlfriend got her bag from that site and all she had to do was choose the bag she wanted and enter in her email address. You can get a Fendi handbag from that site also.
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