Friday, November 11, 2011

How to get shiny wrapping paper stuck on a Fendi brown calf leather bag?

The bag was put in a case under a present of aftershave wrapped in shiny paper- during the journey the bottle leaked and paper is stuck to the bag. How can I remove it please?|||Don't do it yourself!!

Take it to Fendi they will fix it for you.|||maybe try talking it to the store which they could definitley help.

ask the store if you can run the bag under some water and you could use a clothe and start scrubbbing on it and maybe the paper will come off.


good luck!


check inside if theres any tags that say if you can put it in the wash or put hot water or anything on it.

if it says you can put water on it, put some water on the part where theres the wrapping paper and scrub it with a cloth

and than do it with a sponge !

good luck hope this helps you im sorry that had to happen :( ,|||Warm Water on a towel (not soaked) that should do it! If there is any suede try UGG spray it works well on purses! Good Luck!

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